From (
| Tom Tivnan
Almost immediately after he got his feet under his desk two years ago,
Nigel Portwood issued a call to arms to the troops at Oxford University
Press that certainly ran against the grain of industry thinking during
publishing’s Age of Austerity. “I said: ‘I think we should be spending a
bit more money, and I want as many ideas as you can give me about where
we should invest,’” he recalls.
What the new OUP c.e.o. found was that his staff are not short of
ideas. “In the first year we had a good range of ideas, in the second
year it has been a torrent. So many excellent suggestions came back I
had to ration what we invested in—not because of finances, but because I
had to think about whether we had the physical resources and time to
achieve all this.”
Portwood happily admits that he started from an advantageous point at
OUP in 2009. “It was not an organisation that was in any sort of crisis.
It was very sure of itself and in a good position.”
The previous c.e.o. Henry Reece had done much in his 11 years to
transform the successful but arguably sleepy and self-satisfied academic
publisher into a professional modern powerhouse, and went into his
retirement on a high: OUP’s 2009 results, the last full year under
Reece, achieved then record turnover (£587.8m) and profit (£84m). When
Reece initially took over at OUP in 1999, full year revenue was at
Even coming from that fiscal strength, there was something of a new
broom feel to Portwood’s appointment. Previous OUP c.e.o.s more often
than not came from the groves of academe. Dr Reece earned a DPhil in
Modern History from Oxford in 1981. Reece’s predecessor but one, Sir
Roger Elliott, was an eminent scientist and Oxford’s Wykeham Professor
of Physics before taking the OUP top job (Elliott was, rather
advantageously, the leader of the search committee to select the c.e.o.,
and passed over a young Richard Charkin to nominate himself).
Though Portwood is not short of degrees himself—he has an MBA from
INSEAD in France—his path has been different. He worked as a media
consultant directly out of university and his publishing background
includes the cut and thrust of being director of strategy at Pearson,
where he worked with Marjorie Scardino to acquire and sell businesses;
head of Pearson’s sprawling Europe, Middle East and Africa division; and
a seven- year stint at Penguin and Pearson in the US where his various
roles included driving Penguin’s digital business development and having
group-wide responsibility for developing Pearson’s digital strategy. He
is also young—a boyish looking 45—and a (gasp!) Cambridge engineering
graduate. In fact, he is the first person to run OUP in its 425-year
history without an Oxford degree.
A CV with a combination of digital strategy and experience in emerging
markets is undoubtedly what piqued OUP’s interest. Portwood shrugs: “I
don’t know why I was lucky enough to be chosen to do the job, but I
imagine it’s that I have focused my career on themes that are running
through this industry at the moment: globalisation, digitisation and
increasing competitive intensity.”
Portwood’s two main strategic planks in the past two years have been
digital and growing OUP throughout the world. Perhaps the most important
move on the digital side was adding a new management structure,
including hiring former Oxford Journals IT director Pam Sutherland to
the new role of chief information officer, with responsibility for all
of OUP’s digital and IT infrastructure. Portwood says: “I have focused a
huge amount of my time getting the organisation more digitally capable,
both in terms of systems and infrastructure. And just in terms of being
more ambitious about the publishing side and experimenting a bit more,
which I think is something we didn’t necessarily do previously”.
Globalisation has been tackled by another restructure, with the
creation last year of the Global Academic Business, a new worldwide
division which combined OUP US, OUP UK and Oxford Journals, a
reorganisation that Portwood describes as “the biggest structural change
at OUP in some decades”.
He adds: “In some ways that change was evolutionary because we had been
working towards closer links across those academic divisions. Yet
nobody had taken the leap to say this is a global market, this is a
market where formats no longer matter. The idea of books versus journals
versus reference materials . . . that’s all gone now. I suppose that’s
the biggest change that we made: acknowledging that the publishing has
to be format independent, that we have to invest more in online and we
have to think about moving resources across the business.”
So far, so good. In OUP’s 2010/11 results, the first full year under
Portwood’s stewardship, the OUP has reported a record turnover of
£648.6m (up from £611.9m in 09/10) and after-tax profits of £113.9m (a
rise from £90.8m).
New horizons
For a brand so rooted in British culture, it is worth pointing out that
an increasing amount of sales are coming from outside the UK—nearly
90%. With that increased globalisation come challenges from the vagaries
of local economies and political climates. OUP España is the OUP’s
third biggest market (after the US and UK), but had a difficult year
with Spain’s ongoing economic turmoil and a cancellation of school
textbook renewal programmes in two of the country’s regions.
The Arab Spring affected OUP’s burgeoning Middle East business—not
least with staff safety concerns, as it has several offices throughout
the region. “It is a big emerging market for us and the next few years
will be difficult there. Long term we’re pretty excited about what’s
going on in the Middle East. Don’t forget one of the things we’re here
for is dissemination of information. The Arab Spring, apart from being
democratic and a wonderful thing for the human race, means that we are
going to be able to disseminate more of our materials in that market.”
More of the business is coming from the emerging markets—37% last year,
up from 30% five years ago. Most of that is from “the usual suspects”
of China, India, the Middle East and Latin America, particularly Brazil.
Portwood says: “A key in education is that we are a local publisher in a
lot of those markets. As much as we are able, we are actually in situ,
producing local materials for local people, ministries and schools.”
Sacred cows
Working out how much of OUP’s revenue stems from digital is problematic
even for the OUP’s c.e.o. “We have these debates about how much of a
percentage digital accounts for, and it is very difficult to judge. I
don’t think we sell any product without a digital component. When you
have a hybrid print and e-textbook, for example, what are you selling,
the physical or the e-book?”
The physical textbook, he believes, is anything but dead—particularly
in OUP’s US market—mostly because the most popular device, the Kindle,
is still monochrome. He says: “Students in the US are going back to
school now and they are still buying the print books. We are still not
seeing the device penetration in the higher education market that will
allow that digital revolution to happen. I know it’s coming, but it’s a
question of whether it’s this device or the next one."
Portwood is unfazed by whatever “that” device will be. “As long as
we’re still producing fantastic content and as long as it’s in a format
that enables it to be moved around, reformatted, messed with and cross-
referenced, I’m not particularly worried. Digital is an opportunity not a
threat, because now you can do more things with the content.”
One of OUP’s sacred content cows is, of course, the Oxford English Dictionary.
Its importance is driven home to Portwood every day when he arrives in
his office and sees a first edition sitting on his bookshelves. He found
himself at the centre of a mini media storm last year when he casually
mentioned that the OED’s next edition (due in about 10 years’ time)
might—might—not have a print edition. This would have hardly raised an
eyebrow with anyone who knows the economics of the dictionary and
reference market, but the mainstream press leapt on it.
“It’s an interesting debate—I don’t often get on the front page of the New York Times,”
Portwood says dryly. “It does show you how important a cultural
resource the OED is for the whole world. But also this issue of print
moving into digital is on everyone’s mind. The publishing industry has
never been as exciting.”
He does have faith in the long-term viability of the OUP dictionary
programme, even when it is competing with a surfeit of free information.
Free content, he emphasises, that is often licensed from dictionary
providers such as OUP.
“I think we have a real long-term opportunity,” he says. “Others are
building that free market based on advertising with content from
publishers like ourselves. We are one of the few publishers still
investing in keeping that content up to date. At some point, once these
models prove out, we’re going to be holding the cards. Because we will
be able to withdraw our content from free providers, and move into the
next phase of the business.
“At the moment, our dictionary business is as vibrant and exciting as
it’s ever been. Now instead of just worrying about print or
straightforward e-books we have all these licensing channels. We can
embed dictionaries in other people’s hardware—every iPad, Kindle and
Apple computer comes with an Oxford dictionary. This material has to be
good—you can’t get away with a half-baked definition. I’m not at all
concerned with my dictionary business. I know that it will be very
different in 10 years’ time, but I’m looking forward to it.”
Acquiring minds
Portwood is not just the c.e.o., but “secretary to the delegates”, a
traditional title that is four centuries old. He reports to the
vice-chancellor and the delegates, a group of the university’s academics
who, as they have since the 1600s, approve the publishing programme.
Being part of the university was, for Portwood, his biggest change
since moving over from Penguin. “Our primary purpose is to support the
university’s mission of excellence, research, scholarship and education.
All publishers think they do something important for humankind and they
are right to think that. Yet here the extent to which that is
understood and felt is far greater. It is incredibly powerful; it really
does drive what we do.”
The university profits from this—OUP often transfers some of its
revenue over to the university (in 2010/11 it was a whopping £234.7m in
cash). This arrangement—and OUP having tax-free status as part of the
university—has attracted some controversy in recent years, particularly
when the Charity Commission started reviewing its guidelines in 2008.
Portwood says: “We are part of the university, and as long as the
university upholds its central mission it will retain its charitable
OUP’s links with the university also makes its position in another
potentially vexing issue, namely journals pricing, a bit different than
its competitors’. On the one hand it has a mission to disseminate
information as widely as possible, yet on the other it has to make
publishing a viable business. It has experimented with various
subscription, open access (essentially free journals) and hybrid open
access (a combination of free and paid) models.
Portwood argues that the journals market now shows how publishers are
innovating, and it is one of the reasons why he is so optimistic about
digital publishing. “Users can now access more content more easily, for a
lower price per article than they ever had before. They have the added
functionality of cross-referencing and searchability that was never
available. The industry has invested to enable this to happen; and the
industry has grown as a result.”
Portwood’s plan, obviously, is to continue to grow OUP’s business
organically. Yet with a background in buying and selling companies, will
acquisitions be on the table? “Looking forward, it will be part of our
story,” he says. “And it is one of the questions I asked when I took the
job: ‘Why haven’t we done any acquisitions?’ The university told me
that it wasn’t really part of the culture.
“Will we be able to make a transformative acquisition? We would be able
to financially, but I’m not sure it is something we would want to do. I
think we will be much like our successful competitors, like Pearson,
who buy businesses that make sense, that add value, that they can absorb
easily and don’t create or introduce significant risk.”
The bottom line, Portwood says, is that OUP will strive to be more
ambitious under his stewardship. “That’s my style, I have a strategic
background. That wasn’t necessarily the way this organisation approached
its plan previously. Yet my predecessor had a different remit, he had
to get this organisation more professional and he did a fantastic job.
That was entirely appropriate for the time.
“Yet our industry has changed so much in the past five years—if you are
not thinking ambitiously now, you’ll have a problem in a few years’