
研討題目:英語教室玩偶創意教學  by Mary Slattery

Teaching with Bear:
This session examines how teachers of children from 4-11 can use puppets in English lessons.
We will look at:
  • the central role that a puppet can have in language lessons.
  • some practical ideas on how to use puppets to support listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.
  • how to use a puppet to connect with other areas of the curriculum in English lessons.
  • You will also have the opportunity to participate and to share your own ideas.

日期與時間:98年3 月 24 日(二),中午11:00 - 12:30
報名方式:歡迎台北縣國中、國小英語老師免費報名參加!請下載報名表格,利用傳真或是電子郵件寄至 Englishcourses@britishcouncil.org.tw 即可,我們會盡快與您確認報名。

Tel: 02-8722 1028 or 8722 1034 or 8722 1035
Fax: 02-8786 0985

※ 前來參加完成研習的英語教師,將可申請多元研習時數共1.5小時。
